Yasnac MX2-LX2 CNC Setup Guide

Yasnac MX2-LX2 Configuration

        CNC Parameters

You will need to verify all parameters listed below that correspond to your CNC control.  These parameters may not match your particular machine’s control.  Document (phone camera) original settings before making modifications!

To set parameters:

Change parameter 6219 to 1. (Enable)

Press PRM.

Cursor down to parameter, press INSRT.

Cursor across to desired bit.

Press WR to toggle bit value.

Press INSRT.

When complete, return parameter 6219 to 0.

Power cycle the control to make changes permanent.

Parameter Bits from Left to Right:  D7, D6, D5, D4, D3, D2, D1, D0

6000 D7 = 1 Outputs ISO data (0=EIA)

6003 D7 = 1 Tape Device uses COMM Module (0=PTR)

6003 D6 = 0 Device Designation RS232C (1=RS422)

6003 D5, D4 = 0,1 Output port number is RS232 #1 (1,0 = RS232 #2)

6003 D3 = 0 EOB is set to LF only (1=CRLF)

6003 D1, D0 = 0, 1 Input port number is RS232 #1 (1,0 = RS232 #2)  
6022 D1, D0 = 0,0 Parity enabled for Input/Output

6026 are Input parameters for RS232 #1

6027 are Input parameters for RS232 #2

6028 are Output parameters for RS232 #1

6029 are Output parameters for RS232 #2

D5 = 0 Control codes are used (1=Not used)

D4 = 0 Stop Bits set to 1 (1=2 stop Bits)

D3->D0 sets Baud Rate

1010 = 9600

1001 = 4800

0111 = 1200

0110 = 600

0101 = 300

0010 = 110 

FactoryWiz DNC Settings

Basic Communication

1.01- Port Type: Standard

1.11- Baud: 9600

1.12- Data Bits: 7

1.13- ASCII Even

1.14- Stop Bits: 1

1.15- Handshake: XON/XOFF

Sending Options

2.11- Leader: %<10>

2.12- Trailer: %

2.23- Skip lines that contain: %

2.31- Automatic timeout: 7

Receiving Options

3.11- Program identifier 1: O

3.21- Receive timeout: 3

3.31- Ignore data before first end-of-block: True

3.32- Ignore data after last end-of-block: True

Remote Commands

4.02- Request for file command: GET-

4.03- Request for file command (drip feed): DNC-

4:11- Request to save command: PUT-

Additional Notes

Outputting CNC Programs

Set mode switch to EDIT.

Press PROG button.

Press Reset.

Type in O number to output. (O1234)

Press OUT.

Inputting CNC Programs

Queue program thru FactoryWiz DNC Client.
Set mode switch to EDIT.

Press PROG button.

Press Reset.

Type in program number, such as 1234

Press IN.

Wiring Diagram

Pinout includes RTS/CTS Handshaking

DB-9 com port

Wire color






2 (Receive Data)


2 (Transmit Data)

3 (Transmit Data)


3 (Receive Data)

5 (Signal Ground)


7 (Signal Ground)

7 (RTS)


5 (CTS)

8 (CTS)


4 (RTS)

6 (DSR)

8 (DCD)

20 (DTR)


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