Troubleshooting Haas MDC (serial) Machines

Data collection for Haas MDC is performed in the DNC module.

Haas CNC setting 143 must be enabled.
Troubleshooting Haas MDC (serial) Machines
- Open the DNC Client
- Login as the admin
- Select the machine in question.
- Check the activity log for connection of license errors (if you see lacking license, make sure setting 6.11 is BLANK, not the word START)
- Select the machine > Change Settings
- Ensure the Haas MDC monitoring in setting 6.01 is enabled
- Make a note of the Moxa IP address. If the port is closed, check if you can ping the moxa.
- Exit the settings and check if you can receive a program from the machine. If not, try to receive a program in TERMINAL mode. If you receive garbage data, please check the RS232 config sheet.
- In TERMINAL mode, type in : Q500 and press enter on your keyboard and then click the SEND button

- In the window above, you should data returned. If not, you have a connection or control issue.
- On the Monitoring side, the above setup will actually work even if the Machine Connection Type is "Not Selected", though it is recommended that you set the Machine Connection type to Haas RS232 in Monitoring so that the Machine Configured count (green boxes) in Licensing>Flex Allocation will be correct.
- You will need ensure in Monitoring that the Licensing>Flex Allocation of Haas RS232 MDC has the same count of Machines configured in DNC to be Monitored. If this is not done, you may also see the "Lacking License" message in the DNC log for the machine.
- When troubleshooting a "lacking license" message, it is possible that another machine has inadvertently been configured in the DNC in such a way as to consume a license.
- Using DPRNT for a secondary data collection method should not consume a license - but it is a common problem that someone will configure the DPRNT so that it is consuming a license unexpectedly. You will need to check all of the other machines in the DNC to make sure they are not consuming a license you don't intend. On all of those other machines, when using DPRNT as a secondary method, always set setting 6.11 to blank for any machine linked to another module such as the Mazak, MTConnect, Okuma, ADAM, or other modules. Since almost all uses of DPRNT are as secondary data to one of those modules, almost ALL uses of DPRNT should have 6.11 set to blank.
- Ensure that you don't have more Haas MDC machines configured to be monitored than you have licenses allocated. You should be able to hover over the green boxes in Monitoring License>Flex Allocation to see which machine names have consumed a Haas RS232 license.
- Another reason you may see the "Lacking License" message in DNC log for the machine is if the Monitoring Server Address or Hostname setting was never set in DNC configuration (usually that setting would be set to localhost). This would make the DNC system unable to see how many flex licenses you have allocated - and also unable to upload any data to the monitoring system.
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