Mastering OEE: A Comprehensive Guide to Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Understanding OEE


Understanding OEE

Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Metrics that go into the OEE formula

  1. Availability
  2. Performance
  3. Quality


OEE = Availability% x Performance% x Quality%

  1. Availability = 91% (0.91)
  2. Performance = 98% (0.98)
  3. Quality = 99% (0.99)
then the OEE = 88% (0.88):

88% = 91% x 98% x 99%  (0.91 x 0.98 x 0.99)

OEE is only calculated on available time.

Available time

In FactoryWiz, available time is time covered by a shift and when the machine was either in production or setup mode. So if you have 2 shifts 06:00-14:00 and 14:00-22:00 then you have 16 hours a day as available time.

The Availability metric

Availability = Running time / Available time.

So if a machine runs for 10 hours in a day, then the Availability is 62.5%: 

10 / 16 = 0.625

The Performance metric

Performance = Average Planned runtime / Average Actual Runtime

If a machine was averaging 120 seconds or running per cycle but it should take 108 seconds, then the performance is 90%

108 / 120 = 0.9

Running time is NOT cycle time (cycle time includes idle and paused time).

What is the Quality metric?

Quality = Good parts / Total parts

If a machine makes 500 parts and rejects 30 parts then the Quality is 94%

470 / 500 = 0.94
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