- Right Click on Computer or My Computer and click Properties
- Click on Device Manager in upper left column
(if XP or earlier, click on Hardware, then find Device Manager button)
- Click VIEW on main menu. Change to DEVICES BY CONNECTION
- Find your device (may say something like Serial Hub or Comtrol Serial device Server)
- Click the little arrow next to device to expand that device and it will show you all of your ports (see example below).
- Look for port with lowest COM# and that should be the first physical port on your device. The ports may not appear in order because of the way Device Manager organizes numbers.
- As you can see from the example below, Port 10 is before Port 2 because COM 10 starts with a 1. To find the COM port of a particular physical port, look for the number of the physical port and the associated COM # will be in parentheses.
- Keep in mind that some devices, like Comtrol Devices, start with port 0, so the 16th physical port, will actually be numbered Port 15.