Guide to Activating DNC Licenses in FactoryWiz DNC (Version 20.1+)

DNC License Instructions (Version 20.1 or Above)

This document covers new installations / lost keys and existing systems adding licenses. Existing systems or if you have already received a license can jump to number 5.

Click here to download PDF version with screenshots 

  1. Open the DNC Client on the computer where the DNC server is installed (not on a client pc). 
  2. Login with the Admin username and password. Please email if you do not know these credentials or need them resetting.

  3. Select Licensing on the left hand menu. If you do not see the menu but you do see the word SYSTEM, click on SYSTEM to expand the menu.
  4. Once you receive an email from FactoryWiz with your new license you have 2 options: 
  1. If connected to the internet: Click Check Cloud
  2. If no internet connection
  1. Download the license from the link in the email
  2. Click Add License 
  3. Locate the FWDNCKey file you downloaded and open it

  1.   |

    If successful you will see the number of DNC licenses has been set or increased. Click exit to return to the main screen. NEVER click Wipe License unless your told to by FactoryWiz.
  2. You will notice that the machines still say unlicensed. You will need to restart the DNC SERVER software / service in order to apply these changes. Close the DNC Client.
  3. If running as a service (preferred method)
  1. open the FactoryWiz DNC Service Manager from windows start menu. Click Stop Service and wait for it to stop (this can take a few minutes), then click Start Service to restart it. 

  2. If running as application, right click on the blue DNC icon in the system tray and click StopOnce it has stopped, you can reopen the DNC server by selecting the blue DNC Server icon from the desktop or start menu. 
  1. Reopen the DNC Client (red icon) and you should see the machines are now idle. If you still see “Unlicensed”, please email 

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