Configuring FTP Settings on Brother C00 for Effective CNC Communication

Brother C00 FTP Configuration

CNC Configuration Sheet for FTP – Brother C00

You will need to verify all parameters listed below that correspond to your CNC control. Document (Phone camera) original settings before making modifications!

CNC Parameters: 

Press EDIT button.
Press DATA BANK button.
Press #6 (Communications Parameter) then press ENTER.

Cursor down to IP Address.
Enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Router information.  -> without using the "." character separator

Cursor down to FTP Server (Host)
Enter the IP Address of the DNC Server.  -> without using the "." character separator
Enter the TCP port: 21
Use Passive Mode: set to 1.  (Yes)

Cursor down to Server Username.  Enter the username configured in FactoryWiz.
Cursor down to Server Password.  Enter the password configured in FactoryWiz.

Press EDIT button.
Press PROGRAM button.
Press 3 for External I/O
Press 3 for Maintenance.
Change connection device to "2" for FTP.
Press RST.  This will bring you back to the main menu.

FactoryWiz DNC Settings

Basic Communication

1.01 - Port Type: FTP_Client

1.03 - CNC IP Address:  IP Address of Brother control.  (This must be a static IP Address!)

1.04 - TCP Port: 21

1.21 - End of block (EOB): CRLF

1.61 - Username: Same as what is configured on Brother control.

1.62 - Password: Same as what is configured on Brother control.

1.65 - FTP Passive mode: True


Sending Options
2.01 - Send Directories: Location where files are stored for the Brother control.

Receiving Options
3.01 - Receive Directories:  Location where files from CNC will be placed.

After adding a new FTP machine, you will need to Restart the FactoryWiz DNC Server Application/Service.

File transfer between the Brother and Fileserver can only be done with the FactoryWiz DNC Client.

File Transfer

-Using FactoryWiz Client, select the Brother machine, then click on Send File.
-Select the Directory, then the file you would like transferred to the Brother.
-Click on Send file (Once). 
(this will copy the file selected to the machine)

Receive from Brother:

-Using FactoryWiz Client, select the Brother machine, then click on Receive File.
-Select the file from the list of files on the Brother control.
-Select the directory (if more than one is listed).
-Click on Receive. 
(this will copy the file selected to the receive folder

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