Configure Machine Status & Layout with Map View

8.9.2 Map View Settings

The Settings tab is where you configure all the settings for Map View.  Here you can add/remove background images, change the appearance of machine instances, and configure the information to be displayed.
Click the + in the upper right corner to expand each section.

Here is where you manage the images that are used for the background of the map layouts.  You can easily add and remove background images for each map layout.
A preview of each background image will be shown once it has been uploaded.
You can switch between images by clicking the map number associated with each image.
FactoryWiz is backwards compatible with background images.

To add a new background image, first choose the map number that you want to associate with the new image from the drop-down menu next to the Upload Background Image To Map # button.
The drop-down menu will display the available map numbers.
Once a map number is selected, click the Upload Background Image To Map # button.
Once clicked, an upload file l pop up window will be displayed.
Navigate to the file location and select the correct file.
Click Open on the upload file pop up window to upload the new background image.
Once the image has been uploaded successfully, it will be added to the list of available background images.

Note: Background images must be of file type JPG, BMP, PNG only.

Remove Background Image

Select a background image from the list of available background images.  Click the Remove Selected Background button, confirm the deletion, and the image will be removed from the list.

Machine Instance configuration

Here you can modify the appearance of each machine in the layout for each state of the machine, Running, Alarm, Disconnected, Idle, Manual, Paused.  Font size, time between pages, colors, display information can all be configured here.

View Settings

Here you will configure the settings for viewing the information shown in each machine instance.  These settings affect all instances.  Remember to click Save after making any changes to these settings.

Seconds Between Pages

This setting will determine the amount of time that each Layout will be displayed before advancing to the next page.

Title Font Size

This setting will determine the font size for the title text within each machine instance.

Detail Font Size

This setting will determine the font size for the details within each machine instance.

Color coding

Each machine can be configured with up to 3 different colors that can be changed and used to visually distinguish between different states of a machine.  When a machine first enters a state, the machine will use color 1.  Color 2 and color 3 have escalation times associated with them.  Each escalation time corresponds to the amount of elapsed time, in minutes, before changing colors to that state.

Example, if Machine ABC enters an ALARM state, the machine will be displayed in color 1.  If the escalation time for color 2 is set at 5, then after 5 minutes of being in the ALARM state, the machine will change to color 2.  If the escalation time for color 3 is set to 10, then after 10 more minutes of being in the ALARM state, the machine will change to color 3.

To change the color, click on the colored box and a color picker will be displayed.  Select a new color and that will now be displayed as the color of the machine when in this state.

Show each setting section from the website[A1] 


You may configure up to three pages of information for each state - running, paused, alarm, idle, manual, and disconnected. Page 1 will always be displayed. Pages 2 and 3 will only be displayed if you check the Enabled box[A2] [A3]  next to the page labels at the top of the status pane you are configuring.

If you configure and enable more than one page, the Map View display will cycle through the pages, displaying the first page for a configurable time interval, and then switch to the next.

On each page you will see a drop-down list, directly under the page heading.  Use this drop-down list to select types of information to display in the machine.

To delete an item from the list, click the – button next to each item in the list.  Confirm the deletion and that item will be removed from the list.

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