Maximize Production Efficiency with OEE Calculation in FactoryWiz Monitoring

8.7.10 OEE Calculation

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) measures the percentage of manufacturing time that is productive. It combines measurements of availability, performance, and quality:

·         Availability: the percentage of the scheduled time during which the machine is running. The mode can affect the scheduled time. Only Production and Setup mode is classed as scheduled.

·         Performance: the rate the machine is producing parts as a percentage of the expected rate.

·         Quality: the percentage of produced parts that meet quality standards.

Use the OEE Calculation pane to configure the time window and method for calculating the dashboard OEE displayed by FactoryWiz™ Monitoring.

OEE Time Window

You may choose for the OEE calculation to be based on data collected from a set point in time, such as the beginning of a shift, or you may choose to base the calculation on a rolling period of time, such as the last 8 hours. Click to open the drop-down list to see the available options.

If you select:

·         Current Shift the OEE displayed will be calculated from all the data collected on this machine since the beginning of the current shift.

·         Since Midnight the OEE displayed will be based on data collected since midnight.

·         Report Day the OEE displayed will be based on data collected since the beginning of the Report Window (see Shift Configuration for instructions to configure the Report Window start time).

The remaining options calculate data collected during a rolling window. For example, if you select Rolling 8hr, every time FactoryWiz™ Monitoring makes an OEE calculation for this machine, it will only use the last 8 hours of data collected in the calculation. A calculation made at 08:30 would be based on data collected from 12:30 to 08:30. The same calculation made at 10:00 would be based on data collected from 02:00 to 10:00.

The Rolling 24hr and Rolling 7 day options are similar to Rolling 8hr, varying only in the size of the time window defining the data to be used in an OEE calculation.

OEE Calculation Method

The second drop-down list in the OEE Calculation pane configures the calculation method for the dashboard OEE displayed by FactoryWiz™ Monitoring.

You may choose to either calculate and display the Complete OEE, Run % Only, or Disabled.

If you select Run % Only the OEE percentage displayed on the dashboard for this machine will show the machine’s availability – the percentage of time the machine was running during the OEE calculation window. Availability does not reflect whether the machine is meeting quality and performance standards.

If you select Complete OEE, the OEE percentage displayed on the dashboard will be the machine’s actual OEE, which takes availability, performance, and quality into account:

You may also choose to disable the OEE calculation by selecting Disabled. If the calculation is disabled, you will not see any information displayed in the OEE field on the dashboard. This option may be used by customers who prefer a different method of calculating equipment effectiveness and are willing to make their own calculations and work with FactoryWiz to integrate the results of their calculations with the FactoryWiz™ Monitoring dashboard.

Retain Reference Runtime

To retain the reference runtime set by an ERP system, Operator Tablet or Data Entry screen, do not check Reference Cycle Time is reset after each part cycle?  To clear the value at the end of each cycle, check this box.

Alarm Text Is Set As The Idle Reason?

Machine State Notification

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