Advanced Macro Variable Monitoring with FactoryWiz

8.7.14 Machine Macro Variables (Advanced)

In addition to logging and notifying users of state changes, FactoryWiz™ Monitoring can also be configured to monitor macro variables and log and notify users of changes to those variables. Use the Macro Variables (ADVANCED) pane to configure these notifications.

Click Add to bring up the Add Variable Watch window.

Enter information describing the macro variable you want to watch, and what changes to that variable will trigger FactoryWiz™ Monitoring to log the change or send notification emails. 

First, enter the Variable Number. For instance, if this will be a Macro Variable Watch, the Variable Number will match the Macro Variable number in the Part Program running on the machine.

Then select the type of variable from the Variable Type drop-down list.

Next use the Control Path drop-down list to select the control path for the variable you selected.

If you selected a diagnostic variable, use the Axis drop-down list to select the diagnostic variable’s axis.

Enter a description of the variable in the Variable Description text box. If you are simply watching the variable number change, then the name can be whatever you want it to be. However, if you are watching the variable and then you want one of the Data Fields in FactoryWiz to be updated with the value when it changes, then you will want to match the Description to one of the following predefined Descriptions which will save the value into the appropriate field in the FactoryWiz database. 

For one of the Database fields, use one of the following as the Variable Description:
CYCLETIME (aka Ref Runtime, can also be set in Machine's Counting Parts section),
IDLETIME (Ref or Planned Idle Time omitted from OEE), PPC (Parts Per Cycle)

After you have described the variable, you need to describe which changes to that variable will trigger notification. You can see the available options in the Trigger Type drop-down list.

Depending on the option you choose, you will be able to enter a lower threshold and/or an upper threshold for the variable.

The options are:

  1. Disabled – FactoryWiz™ Monitoring will not take action if the value of the variable changes.
  2. Any Change – notification and/or logging will be triggered anytime the value of the variable changes.
  3. Above Upper – notification and/or logging will be triggered if the value of the variable rises above a selected upper threshold value.
  4. Below Lower – notification and/or logging will be triggered if the value of the variable falls below a selected lower threshold value.
  5. Outside - notification and/or logging will be triggered if the value of the variable rises above the upper threshold or falls below the lower threshold.
  6. Between - notification and/or logging will be triggered if the value of the variable reaches a value between the upper and lower thresholds.

After you select the trigger type, enter the necessary threshold values in the Lower Threshold and Upper Threshold text boxes. Note that you will only be able to enter a threshold value if it is required by the trigger type you have selected. For example, if you choose an Above Upper trigger, you will not need a lower threshold and you will not be able to enter a value for one; the Lower Threshold text box will be shaded and inactive.

Similarly, if you select a Below Lower trigger, you will only be able to enter a lower threshold, as the Upper Threshold text box will be shaded and inactive. You will only be able to enter both upper and lower thresholds if you select an Outside or Between trigger. If you select Disabled or Any Change, you will not need to enter any threshold values.

To set a threshold value, you may either enter a value directly into the text box, or you may use the arrows in the text box to set a value.

You may also set a delay in the Minutes Before Action text box. If you set a five-minute delay, for example, and the macro variable being watched reaches a value that triggers an action, FactoryWiz™ Monitoring will only take the action if the value of the variable remains unacceptable for five minutes.

Finally, you must select the action you want FactoryWiz™ Monitoring to take when triggered. Use the Action drop-down list to select whether you want to log the change or send it to an email list.

When you have finished configuring your macro variable watch, click Save to apply the changes and return to the Machine Configuration window. You will see the new macro variable watch listed in the Macro Variables (ADVANCED) section. 

Edit Macro Variable Watch

To edit an existing macro variable watch, click the Edit button next to the watch you want to edit. You will see the Edit Variable Watch window.

Make the necessary changes and click Save to save the changes and return to the Machine Configuration window.

Delete Macro Variable Watch

To delete an existing macro variable watch, click the Delete button next to the watch you want to delete.

Click Delete, confirm the deletion of the variable watch, and return to the Machine Configuration window.

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