FactoryWiz Monitoring Database Configuration: Backup, Retention, and Management

8.3.3 Manual Data Deletion

The Manual Data Deletion tab allows you to manually delete all older data collected from all the machines or delete the data collected from specific machines, thus removing them from the FactoryWiz Database.

If you want to purge all the data collected from all the machines, you may choose to keep either one year of data or three years of data.  Clicking Keep 1 year will purge all the data older than one year and clicking Keep 3 years will purge all but the last three years of data. FactoryWiz™ Monitoring will always ask you to confirm that you want to purge data before it is permanently deleted.

If you want to purge data from an individual machine, click the check box next to the machine’s CNC name in the Purge individual machines list.  After you have selected the machine(s), check the boxes below the list to select the data you want to purge: Real Time Data, History, and/or the Configs.

Purging real time data deletes the data displayed for the selected machine(s) in List View. If the machine is still connected to FactoryWiz™ Monitoring, new real time data will be available through List View the next time the machine reports to FactoryWiz™ Monitoring.  Purging historical data deletes all the old data collected from the selected machine(s).

Purging Configs removes the selected machine(s) from FactoryWiz™ Monitoring’s machine configuration, which means FactoryWiz™ Monitoring will no longer collect data from that machine.

When you have selected the machines and the data that you want to purge, click Purge Machine

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