Effectively Manage Shift Schedules with FactoryWiz Monitoring

8.13 Shifts

FactoryWiz™ Monitoring gives you the flexibility to define different shift schedules for different machines. You will first define a System Default schedule, which will be assigned to every machine by default. You may then create custom shift schedules for any machines that do not follow the default schedule.

Default Shift Schedules

Here is where you can set the start/stop times and the days of the week for a shift.  Select System Default from the Shift Scope drop-down list to configure the default shift schedules.  With System Default selected, click Add Shift. This will call up the Create Shift Profile window.

Enter a shift number in the text box at the top. Use the drop-down lists labeled Starts and Ends to select the times for each shift using the 24-hour clock format.

Click on the boxes next to the days on which a shift starts. Be careful specifying days for shifts that begin after midnight. If you ran three 8-hour shifts, with shift 1 starting on Monday at 09:00, for example, shift 2 would start at 17:00 Monday, and shift 3 would start at 01:00 Tuesday

Specifying starting and ending times for breaks is optional. You may choose to leave the break times set to 0:00 unless you have regularly scheduled breaks you want to add to the shift schedule.

Click Save to save the changes.

Use the same procedure to add additional shifts, if necessary.

Custom Shift Schedules

You can configure a custom shift schedule for any machine that does not follow the system default shift schedule.  Select a machine from the Shift Scope drop-down list and click Add Shift.  Configure the shifts using the same procedure used for the System Default shifts.

You may configure as many shifts as you like for a custom shift schedule.

If you have more than one machine using the same custom schedule, you may duplicate the schedule, adding more machines to that schedule’s scope.

First configure the shift schedules for one machine.

After you save the schedule click Copy This Scope To Other Machines button to bring up Copy Machine Shifts window.  The source machine is identified at the top of this window.  To duplicate this shift schedule for one other machine, click on that machine’s CNC name and then click Duplicate.

To duplicate this shift schedule for more than one machine, select the first machine, then press and hold Ctrl as you click on other machine names. When you have selected all the machines that share a shift schedule, click Duplicate.  All the selected machines will  now be assigned to the same shift schedule.

You can check the schedule for a machine by selecting it on the Shift Scope drop-down list on the Shift Configuration window. If the machine has a custom shift schedule, the schedule will be shown on the right side of the window. If the machine uses the system default schedule, no schedule will be shown for that specific machine.

To edit a shift, click the Edit button at the bottom of the shift you wish to edit. This will enable editing for the shift selected.  Make the necessary changes in this window and then click Save.

NOTE: If you have created a custom shift schedule and assigned it to more than one machine, any changes made in the Edit Shift Profile Window will only affect the one machine you selected in the Shift Scope pane. Any other machines previously assigned to the original custom shift schedule will still follow the original custom schedule unless you use the Copy This Scope To Other Machines option to reassign them to the new custom schedule.

Retroactive Deletion

Here is where you can delete a shift retroactively, such as after a holiday.  To delete a shift, use the Date and Shift Time drop-down list to select the date/time range that the shift is in. Click the Show Shifts button and the shift schedule for your selection will be shown in the pane on the right-hand side of the window.  The list will show the machine names and all shifts associated with each machine.  Click the check back for a shift that you wish to delete, and then click the Delete button at the bottom of the list.  If the list is long, you may have to scroll down to see the Delete button.  The Toggle All button will check the box for all shifts for the associated machine.

Caution: Once a shift has been deleted, it can not be undone.


Reporting Window

If you do not wish for your reports to run from midnight to midnight, select your alternate starting point here.  This is where you can set the starting time for your day that is used for reports.  This could be midnight, the start of your day shift, or any other time you select. FactoryWiz™ Monitoring recommends choosing either midnight or a shift start time for the starting point of your report window. Use the Report Window drop-down list to select the report window starting time and then click Apply.

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