Automating and Managing Reports in FactoryWiz Monitoring

8.11 Reports

FactoryWiz™ Monitoring can be configured to send automatic reports to selected users.  Here you can add, modify, or delete automated reports.

If any automatic reports have already been configured, they will be displayed on the left side of the Reports pane.  The right side of the reports pane will show the report parameters.

Add Automated Report

Click the Add Automated Report button to display parameters for setting up a new automated report.  The new report parameters will be shown on the right side of the automated reports pane.

Selected Report

The Selected Report drop-down menu list displays the names of all the available reports.  Select a report from the list and the parameters for that report will be displayed.  Enter the parameters for that report.  If you need assistance with specific report parameters, please see section for more information.


Use the drop-down menu to select an email distribution list for the report.  This will be the Destination of the report.  If you need to configure a new mailing list of recipients for this report, refer to the Mailing Lists section of this guide for instructions.

Report Interval

Here you will select how often you want the automated report to be sent out.  Your options are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Weekdays

Time To Run

Here is where you will select more details on when the automated report should be sent out.  You will be asked to select the time of day, day of the week, or day of the month based on what report interval was chosen.

Next Run Time Will Be

Here you will see the next time that the automated report will be scheduled to be sent based on the parameters entered.

Save/Cancel Changes

Click the Save button to save the automatic report and it will be added to the list of available automatic reports.  Click the Cancel button to discard any changes, and the report will not be added.


Click the Preview button to display a preview of the selected report with the parameters chosen.

Test Run

Click the Test Run button to immediately send the automated report as it has been configured.


To delete the current automatic report, click the Delete button.  Confirm the deletion and the automatic report will not be added to the list of available automatic reports.

Test Run All Reports

You can use the Test Run All Reports button to immediately send all the available automatic reports.

Edit Automatic Reports

Clicking on a report in the list of available automated reports will display the parameters for that report on the right side of the automated reports pane.  This allows you to edit the parameters for the report.  Click Save before exiting to save any changes.  Clicking cancel or navigating to a different page will discard any changes and revert to the original parameter settings.

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