Optimize Downtime Reporting with FactoryWiz Idle Reasons

8.10.1 Idle Reasons

In the Idle Reasons page, you can view a list of current reasons, add new, and delete reasons that an operator can use to explain why a machine is reporting Idle status. When a machine is idle, the operator will use the tablet to select one of these idle reasons from a drop-down list to report the reason for the idle status. You may give the operators any options you like. 

Click the Add Idle Reason button in the upper left corner.  A dialog box will be displayed allowing you to enter a new idle reason.  You will be able to enter the idle reason and select the modes that it is applicable to.  Save, and it will appear in the list of idle reasons.

Delete Idle Reason

Click the Delete button that is displayed to the right of each idle reason in the list.  Once you confirm the deletion, it will be removed from the list.

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