FactoryWiz Guide: User Access Control & Permission Settings

8.1.1 Access Control - Users

The Users tab is where you can view current users that have been set up already.  The left side of the window shows the list of users who have been configured.  When you click on a username, the settings and permissions for that user will be displayed on the right side of the window.  The settings displayed for each user can be modified here as well.  You have the option to Delete the current user, update password, or change permission settings.  Expand the Legacy Security and/or Granular Security sections to view or modify the permissions for that user.

Add Users

To add a new user, click Add User. You will see the Add Users dialog, where you can add a username, and set the password and permissions. Enter the username and password, verify the password, and expand the Legacy Security and/or Granular Security sections to select the permissions for this user. Click Save New User when you are done.

You can configure users with Legacy Security, Granular Security, or a mix of both. Security access from these two sets of Security Groups are additive. Meaning if a user is granted certain access from Legacy, and other different access from Granular, that user will have all of that granted security combined.

Legacy Security

The original built in security groups to control access to certain areas of the application.
All users are part of the User group which has the most basic access to areas of the application that are not secured by any other security group membership. This would mostly be the Dashboards, Real-Time Views and Notifications sections.  
Admin group has access to all areas of the application. Only Admin group users can use the Access Control section to add/modify users and their level of access. Only Admins can access the Configuration for Database, Licensing. If you remove the Admin group role from a user, then you can grant the user access to only certain other areas of the application.
Data Entry, Preventive Maintenance, and Reports group roles grant access to their respective sections.
Light Admin (Machine) grants access to Configuration for Machine Groups, and in Machine configuration, will only have access to Macro Variables, PMC Bits, and Alarms per machine.
Light Admin (System) grants access to Configuration for Cycle Times, Email Settings, Global Settings, Map View Settings, Operator Input Settings, and Shifts.
Granular security should be self explanatory. Each option in the Granular Security tree is applied to each of the sections within the application.
For example: if you grant Pages>Configurations>Machine Configuration>Machine Alarms, then the user will have access to just that section of Machine Configuration.
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