Efficiently Managing Preventative Maintenance with FactoryWiz Templates

5.2 Preventative Maintenance - Templates

since many PM tasks are the same across multiple machines and are often recurring, we can create a template for the PM task.  The Template can then be used to prepopulate the required fields when you go to schedule a new PM on a given Machine. In the Templates page, you can Edit, Add new, or Delete PM Templates. Once a Template has been created, it will be added to the Template list and then will show in the Template dropdown list in the New PM option details. 

Add a new template

To add a new template, click the Add Template button.  A window will pop up where you can enter as many, or as little details as required for the template and save it.  The new template will now appear in the list of available templates.  See PM section on adding a new PM entry for details on the fields available.

To edit an existing template, click the Edit button next to the template you wish to modify.  A pop up will appear so you can edit the template.  After making any changes, click the Save button.

To delete an existing template, click the Delete button next to the template you wish to delete.  You will be asked to confirm the deletion because this can not be reversed.

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