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12.1.2 SummaryStats Bar Chart
Overview The SummaryStats Bar Chart Scene can display FactoryWiz data in a bar chart format. Configuration SummaryStats Scenes come with a wide range of options. You can customize the chart title, the time frame to include, the statistic type, how to ...
6.2 Productivity Browser - Machines
The data shown in the Machines section replicates that shown in the Real-Time Views section on the List View screen, in table format. To sort, click on the column heading to sort by that column. Clicking on a machine name will filter by that machine. ...
6.3 Productivity Browser - Parts
The Parts section shows all the information associated with a part ID, in table format. To sort, click on the column heading to sort by that column. Clicking on a machine name will filter by that machine. Clicking on a part ID will filter by that ...
6.5 Productivity Browser - Shifts
The Shifts section shows production information grouped by shifts, in table format. To sort, click on the column heading to sort by that column. Clicking on a shift name will filter by that shift. Clicking on a part ID will filter by that part.
6.4 Productivity Browser - Operators
The Operators section shows production information grouped by operators, in table format. To sort, click on the column heading to sort by that column. Clicking on an operator name will filter by that operator.